WNFAST Newsletter
July 2013
It’s been an amazing first month since the launch of the World Network of Family and Systemic Therapies (WNFAST). With nearly 27,000 members and more than 50 Affiliated Associations (click here to see the list), we’re off to a great start connecting everyone interested in family and systemic practice.
New on the Website:
- Resources Page—Interesting new additions include: An Interactive Guide to Family Therapy, Shake-Up, PowerofTwoMarriage.com, and Expanding the Practice of Sex Therapy. Linda Bell has also made her Family Matters: A Family Wellness Course for People in Prison Workbook and Leader’s Manual available to WNFAST members free of charge. Remember, as a WNFAST member, you’re able to promote your resources on the website, so if you have something to share, go to http://wnfast.com/products.html and use the form.
- News Page—Be sure to check out Phoebe Prosky’s search for others wanting to discuss the integration of Zen and Family Therapy, Nina Lavrova’s article on System Family Psychotherapy with Elements of Mediation, and AFTA’s position paper on the new DSM-5. There’s also the preliminary flyer for the March 2014 joint NZAFT-WNFAST conference—more on that below.
- Forum Page—While we had a number of WNFAST members register for the Forum, no one was posting! So we decided to shift the discussions to our Facebook Page. Rick Whiteside will moderate the discussions there. Besides general chat, you can post positions available or needed, connect with other members to discuss research, training, ethical matters, innovative techniques, or whatever you’d like. Just be aware it is a public site, so no client details please. Be sure to visit the page to “Like” it and become a friend.
- SkypePals—the initial connection of members wanting to be SkypePals has begun. If you want to join in the global network, click here to send in your details.
- Training Page—Lots of conferences listed, but not many training workshops that have not passed their date, so please remember that as a WNFAST member or affiliated association, you can have your course or training event listed.
Of particular note is the announcement that WNFAST will connect with the New Zealand Association of Family Therapy (NZAFT) to hold a joint conference March 18-20 2014. So if New Zealand has been on your bucket list, you want high quality professional development, and you want to benefit from the low WNFAST member rate, check out the preliminary announcement flyer.
Remember, WNFAST is YOUR network. Please let us know what you’d like to see developing or how we can better connect. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your ideas, stories, news, resources, or comments.
Frances Steinberg, PhD
Communications Coordinator